
Optimistic. Happy. Excited. Those are some of the words I would use if asked how I feel about life these days. I realize that there are big changes going on everywhere. Many people are losing their jobs and we are told many times a day that times are tough. We are in...

Smile to Feel Better

One of my favorite movies is ‘Mary Poppins’, I’ve watched it countless times and I always tried to get my kids to watch it with me while they were growing up. Of that entire movie, my favorite scene, hands down is the scene where Uncle Albert is...

Perfect, Just Perfect

There’s a book I’ve been reading for over a year. It’s less than 300 pages, which means it should be a book that I have easily read in a weekend. Not so much. I keep beginning the book over and over again. Several times it has hit me right between...

Giving Back

One of the most fulfilling experiences of my life is when I have the opportunity to give back in some fashion. I’m not alone in this feeling. I’ve noticed lately that more and more my family, friends, clients and fellow entrepreneurs have been talking...