What do You Prefer?

I believe that we live the life that we ask for. We ask with our thoughts, so be careful what you think. It seems to me that more and more people are becoming aware, or being reawakened to what I believe is an absolute fact, the universe operates on the law of...

Choose Happy

A few days ago a man that I greatly respect, Hamid Sean Farjadi asked a question, ‘Happiness. Where does it come from? Does it ‘just happen’? Do you create it?’ Sounds like a simple enough question on the surface, but it bears thinking about....

My Life is Soup

I got up this morning and had a taste for good veggie soup. Yummy. So I got on the Internet, found a couple of dozen recipes that sounded interesting and finally printed one. The adventure had begun! A short visit to my favorite grocery store yielded all the perfect...

Life Changes

We’re dating. By ‘we’ I mean my husband of 27 years and of course me. John decided a few months ago that he wanted to make some major changes. I had no idea what was in store for us. John has always been incredibly conservative. Watching every penny,...