
Optimistic. Happy. Excited. Those are some of the words I would use if asked how I feel about life these days. I realize that there are big changes going on everywhere. Many people are losing their jobs and we are told many times a day that times are tough. We are in...

Smile to Feel Better

One of my favorite movies is ‘Mary Poppins’, I’ve watched it countless times and I always tried to get my kids to watch it with me while they were growing up. Of that entire movie, my favorite scene, hands down is the scene where Uncle Albert is...

Reiki Basics

Reiki pronounced RAY-KEY is defined as Universal Life Force Energy. It is a technique that is used for reducing stress, increasing relaxation and assisting the bodies natural ability to heal itself. It is a natural, safe way of spiritual healing and self-improvement...

Attitude Adjustment

I seem to recall that in the 80’s the phrase ‘attitude adjustment’ was used again and again. I’m not sure why it went away. In the real estate world, I’ve learned that agents, buyers, and sellers say that everything is location, location,...

Relax and Rejuvenate

Do you take the time to relax? Do you allow yourself the time to truly rejuvenate? Do you know how to really recharge your batteries? What works for you? We live in a society that appreciates and values the 80 hour work week. We applaud those who are workaholics,...